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[Ulleungdo, Korea] Dolsum restaurant 돌섬 식당 Dolseom restaurante

울릉도는 밥 값이 비쌌다. 기본이 10000원이었다. 맛은 대부분 괜찮았는데, 그 중에 한 번 갔다가 너무 맛있어서 다시 간 집이 있어서 소개하고 싶다. 식당 이름은 돌섬식당이다. 유명한 지 사람이 많았다. 첫날 가고 그 다음날 다시 가려고 했는데, 자리가 없어서 다른 식당으로 가고, 그 다음날 다시 들렀다. 처음 그 식당을 알게 된 것은 묵었던 숙소의 아주머니가 추천해 준 식당 중 하나라서 가게 되었다.

Food in Ulleungdo was expensive. The average price was 10,000won. Most of the food I had in Ulleungdo was good but there was a restaurant that I liked the most and I want to recommend it. It's called Dolsum restaurant. It was so famous that there were lots of people inside the restaurant. We went there on the first day and had dinner there. I liked it so much so that the next day I wanted to go there again for dinner but the restaurant was full and so we went to another place. And the third day we could eat there again. The owner of our hostel recommended the restaurant on the first day we arrived. That is how we knew the place.

La comida en Ulleungdo era cara. El precio promedio fue de 10.000 won. La mayoría de la comida que comí en Ulleungdo era buena, pero había un restaurante que me gustaba más y quiero recomendarlo. Se llama restaurante Dolseom. Era tan famoso que había mucha gente dentro del restaurante. Fuimos allí el primer día y cenamos allí. Me gustó tanto que al día siguiente quería ir allí otra vez para cenar, pero el restaurante estaba lleno y nos fuimos a otro lugar. Y al tercer día pudimos comer allí de nuevo. La propietaria de nuestro hostal nos recomendó el restaurante el primer día que llegamos. Así es como conocíamos el lugar.

우리는 오징어 내장탕을 먹었다. 나는 원래 해산물을 좋아하고 오징어국은 많이 먹어봤지만 내장탕은 처음이었다. 너무 맛있었다. 반찬도 좋았다. 1인 10000원이었고, 공기밥이 포함되어 있었다. 다른 식당에 가니 공기밥을 추가로 주문해야 하는 곳도 있었다. 육지보다 1000원 더 비싼 2000원이었다.

We had 'Squid Viscera Soup'. I love seafood and had eaten squid soup but it was my first time having 'Squid Viscera Soup'. It was really delicious. The side dishes were good too. It was 10000won per person and cooked rice was included. We had to order cooked rice separately in another restaurant there in Ulleungdo. It was 2000won.

Teníamos 'Squid Viscera Soup'. Me encantan los mariscos y he comido sopa de calamares pero fue la primera vez que comí 'Squid Viscera Soup'. Fue realmente delicioso Los platos de acompañamiento también estaban bien. Fue 10000 won por persona y se incluyó arroz cocido. Tuvimos que pedir arroz cocido por separado en otro restaurante allí en Ulleungdo. Fue 2000 won.

출처: https://t1.daumcdn.net/cfile/tistory/991FBD505B026E680F

다른 메뉴는 안 먹어 봐서 모르겠지만, 사람이 많은 걸로 봐서 다른 것도 괜찮을 것 같다.

We only had 'Squid Viscera Soup' so I don't know how other menus are. But, I have seen people ordering other menus and the restaurant is always with many people. So I guess other food is good too.

Solo teníamos 'Squid Viscera Soup', así que no sé cómo son los otros menús. Pero, he visto a gente pedir otros menús y el restaurante siempre está con mucha gente. Así que supongo que otra comida también es buena.

예수께서는 마리아가 우는 것과, 함께 따라온 유대 사람들이 우는 것을 보시고, 마음이 비통하여 괴로워하셨다. 예수께서는 눈물을 흘리셨다. - 요한복음 11:33,35

When Jesus saw her weeping and saw the other people wailing with her, a deep anger welled up within him, and he was deeply troubled. Then Jesus wept. - John 11:33,35

Cuando Jesús la vio llorando y vio a la gente lamentándose con ella, se enojó en su interior y se conmovió profundamente.
Entonces Jesús lloró. - Juan 11:33,35


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

[Suwon, Korea] Sinseon Seolnongtang 신선설농탕

신선설농탕은 체인점이다. 국내 여기저기에서 찾아볼 수 있는 데, 수원 조원동에 위치한 곳을 추천하고 싶다. 밤에 밥을 먹고 싶어서 어디로 갈까 했는데, 문 닫은 곳이 많았다. 여기는 24시간이라 들어갔는데 너무 맛있었다. 그래서 그 뒤로 계속 찾고 있다. Sinseon Seolnongtang is a chain store. You can find it everywhere in Korea but I want to recommend the one in Jowon-dong, Suwon. My boyfriend and I were so hungry that we were looking for a restaurant but it was late at night. This place is opened for 24 hours. We didn't have any other options. We ordered regular Seolnongtang and it was amazing. Sinseon Seolnongtang es una cadena de tiendas. Lo puedes encontrar en todas partes en Corea, pero quiero recomendar el de Jowon-dong, Suwon. Mi novio y yo estábamos tan hambrientos que estábamos buscando un restaurante pero era tarde en la noche. Este lugar está abierto las 24 horas. No teníamos ninguna otra opción. Pedimos Seolnongtang regular y fue increíble. 위치는 야구장 건너편에 있다. It is located across from the baseball stadium. Se encuentra frente al estadio de béisbol. 북수원 CGV...

[Tacna, Peru] Muelle Sur 세비체 식당, Ceviche Restaurant

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[Board Game] 랫어탯캣, Rat-a-Tat Cat

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