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8월, 2019의 게시물 표시

[Suwon, Korea] Dongseo (Swimwear shop) 동서상회(수영복) Dongseo Sanghoe(tienda de trajes de baño)

<사진출처:https://www.suwon.go.kr/common-upload/upload/visitsuwon/2018/6/4/41cd4840-c026-433a-ba88-e8e5892d8a2e.png> 팔달문 시장에는 정말 없는게 없다. 노인복지관에 할머니 수영수업 등록하려고 하니 수영복이 필요해서 어디로 가야 되나 노인복지관에 전화해보니 시장에 있다고 해서 갔다. 인터넷으로 아무리 검색해봐도 없어서 진짜 있을까 하면서 갔는데, 있어서 신기했다.  There is nothing you can't find in Paldalmun market. My grandma wanted to register for a swimming class for the elderly, but she didn't have a bathing suit. I called the swimming center and asked where we could find a place to buy a bathing suit. They told me we could buy one from the Paldalmun market. I searched online but I couldn't find any information about swimwear shops. We went to the market anyway and found some swimwear shops. No hay nada que no puedas encontrar en el mercado de Paldalmun. Mi abuela quería inscribirse en una clase de natación para ancianos, pero no tenía traje de baño. Llamé al centro de natación y pregunté dónde podríamos encontrar un lugar para comprar un traje de baño. Me dije...